FK-5-1-12 | Fire Suppression Agent
Perfluorohexanone (FK-5-1-12) is a new type of environmentally friendly and clean fire extinguishing agent, which is used to replace Halon, hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and perfluorinated compounds (PFC) and other series of fire extinguishing agents. Stored as a liquid and evaporates as a gas, it leaves no residue and is non-conductive, which helps to protect valuable paper documents and electronics. Perfluorohexanone has great environmental characteristics, does not destroy the atmospheric ozone layer, and has an extremely low GWP (global warming potential) value.
Special Features:
Product Description
Chemical Name | Perfluorohexanone |
Synonyms | FK-5-1-12 |
CAS # | 756-13-8 |
ELINCS # (EU) | 436-710-6 |
Molecular Formula | C6F12O |
Structure |
Molecular Weight | 316.04 |
Physical State | Liquid |
Color | Colorless |
Odor | Odorless |
ODP(CFC-11 = 1) | 0 |
GWP100(CO2 = 1) | 1 |
Life Time (Days) | 0.014 |
TWA(8-hr) | 150 ppm |
Product Properties
Chemical Name | Perfluorohexanone |
Boiling Point(℃) | 49.2 |
Melting Point(℃) | -108 |
Liquid Density(@20℃, g/cm3) | 1.60 |
Vapor Density(Air=1) | 11.6 |
Critical Temperature(℃) | 168.7 |
Critical Pressure (bar) | 18.65 |
Critical Volume (cc/mole) | 494.5 |
Critical Density (kg/m3) | 639.1 |
Flash Point(℃) | Not Applicable |
Flammability (@20 ℃) | Not Applicable |
Explosive Limit (%vol) | Not Applicable |